Why don’t my hair wanna grow and my hair journey

Sorry haven’t blogged lately. Boys haven’t been well nor myself. Ok I thought , I write a post on about my hair and hair journey and problems , I having to deal with.

I always wanted long hair. I had a full head of hair in early and teenage years to early adulthood. My hair was on my shoulders and then the problems began.

But now it won’t grow nor healthy. Due to medications, I
Believe that’s one of the facts and also having my kids. But my hair grew and grew with having them. I have tried everything. You name it. I tried it. No luck.

Right about now, my hair dry, breaking , weak and won’t grow. Very short. It grows in certain areas then breaks and I have to cut off and start again. I do weekly treatments which hasn’t helped as much.

Here’s some picture of my hair at the moment


I so desperate to have long hair like my sisters, mum and friends . I don’t just don’t know what else to do. So I am investigating after options eg hair vitamins and I am open to suggestions if anyone has any for me.
Heres a picture my mum sent me recently. Hair was thick, healthy and long.


So 2015, I am determined to have long hair with patience and get my hair back to the way it was in the above picture.